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Dress to Express-Every individual has a distinct sense of style.

Posted by Vaneesa Siegal on

 By Jules Romero | June 16, 2020

 If you're the type of person who spends prolonged periods deciding what to wear, you've most likely been referred to as "vain" by your family or friends. They may have mentioned to you that you accumulate too many articles of clothing or that "clothes are clothes!" On the surface, they have a point. Clothes are clothes, and any shirt or blouse or dress can serve the same purpose. On a deeper level, clothes are one of the best outlets for self-expression.

 Today, we’re going to talk about fashion as an art and the benefits of choosing to express yourself through clothing. Much like how painting, dancing, and other art forms allow the artist to express himself or herself, fashion is an art form.

 Your Fashion is Unique

The first benefit of expressing yourself through fashion is that fashion enables a sense of individuality.

 If you’re reading this in a bustling cafe filled with dozens of people, take a look at the person at the table on your right. Chances are, that person is wearing clothing distinctly different from what you are wearing right now.

 What that person is wearing gives you an impression regarding what that person is like, at least at an initial level. Likewise, the clothing you're wearing gives the other person an idea of what you are like.

 Take a look at the following list and imagine what these people’s outfits look like.

  • Tourist
  • Young professional
  • Parent


You may have thought of three distinct outfits for each of the demographics. This affirms that outfits are part of a person's identity and can distinguish them from others.

 Say, for example, you’re a big fan of pumping iron at the gym. You probably have a unique gym t-shirt. By wearing that shirt, you affirm that your love for the gym is part of who you are.

 If you enjoy going out for a beer with your friends during happy hour, a beer-themed screen-printed t-shirt serves the same purpose. The same thing goes for meditation t-shirts, for example.

 It is your unique interest expressed through your t-shirt that sets you apart from the rest of the people in our hypothetical cafe. Embrace your individuality.

 Your Fashion Sparks Confidence

I am a firm believer in wearing what makes you feel confident. Wear what makes you feel best. You should never wear clothes that make you feel shy, powerful, or timid. Wear clothes that allow you to stand tall and feel good about yourself. Choosing clothes that make you feel confident can easily make or break the rest of your day.

 Here are a few tips you can take into consideration the next time you rummage through your wardrobe for your OOTD.

  • Wear clothes that fit. Clothes that are either too baggy or too tight can feel like a bother for the rest of the day. You’ll begin to feel self-conscious and may feel like everyone is looking at you.
  • Never wear clothes that go against your values. Sure, a particular t-shirt may have a beautiful design. However, if it contains a message that goes against your values, you'll most likely not feel confident wearing it.
  • Wear what you love. Ultimately, your life is your own and so are your clothes! Wear what makes you happy.



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